Charles Dickens Buried in the Poet's Corner
Poet's Corner at Westminster Abbery, where Charles ciekdnes is Buried
| Charles Dickens is buried in Poets Corner of Westminster Abbey, amid other literary greats such as Chaucer and Robert Browning.
Poets’ Corner is the name traditionally given to a section of Westminster where a number of poets, playwrights, and writers are buried and commemorated there. Burial in Poets' Corner is regarded as a great honour, granted only to the greatest of writers. However, some of the people buried there are not as famous as they once were, their literary reputations having faded over time.
The first person to be interred in Poets Corner was Geoffrey Chaucer, whose burial in the abbey was due more to the fact that he lived in apartments in the abbey rather than his literary fame. However, the presence of Chaucer's grave eventually served as a focal point for guture burials of literary greats and in time, it became customery to honour great literary artists with a burial in Westminster Abbey.
Burial or commemoration in the Abbey did not always occur at or soon after the time of death. Lord Byron, for example, whose poetry was admired but who maintained a scandalous lifestyle, died in 1824 but was not given a memorial until 1969. Even William Shakespeare, buried at Stratford-upon-Avon in 1616, was not honoured with a monument until 1740 when one designed by William Kent was constructed in Poets' Corner.
People buried in Poets' Corner are:Robert Adam, Robert Browning, William Camden, Thomas Campbell, Geoffrey Chaucer, William Congreve, Abraham Cowley, William Davenant, Charles Dickens, Adam Fox, John Dryden, David Garrick, John Gay, Thomas Hardy, Dr Samuel Johnson, Rudyard Kipling, Thomas Macaulay, John Masefield, Laurence Olivier, Baron Olivier, Thomas Parr, Matthew Prior, Charles de Saint-Évremond ,Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Edmund Spenser, andAlfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson.
Below is a visual tour of Westminster Abbey as it would have appeared around the time of Charles Dickens.
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img-010.jpg View of Westminster Abbey and St. Margaret's Church from Whitehall | img-012.jpg The West Front of Westminster Abbey | img-016.jpg The Chapter House and East End of Henry VII.'s Chapel | img-024.jpg The Interior of the Nave in Westminster Abbey, Looking East |
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img-036.jpg St. Edmund's Chapel, showing the Tomb of the Duchess of Suffolk, Lady Jane Grey's mother | img-042.jpg Interior of the South Transept of Westminster Cathedral | img-052.jpg Chaucer's Tomb | img-056.jpg View of the Choir and Nave, Looking West from the High Altar |
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img-062.jpg The South Ambulatory, looking west down the South Choir Aisle | img-066.jpg Early Brasses and Picturesque Tombs in St. Edmund's Chapel | img-070.jpg The West End of the Confessor's Shrine, with the Modern Altar | img-076.jpg The Tomb of Henry III. from St. Edward's Chapel |